Hand Pain After a Car Accident: What You Need to Know

When people think of car accident injuries, what typically comes to mind is back, neck, head, or leg injuries. However, other less obvious injuries, such as those to the hands, can also be serious if not taken care of promptly. If you’re experiencing hand pain after a car accident—don’t ignore it—visit a doctor immediately. Early…

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Decode Your Accident Report: What You Need to Know

You’re on your way home after a long day and have just passed through the intersection a few blocks from your apartment. Out of nowhere, another vehicle unexpectedly runs through a red light and collides with your car. After the responding police officer arrives, they assess the situation briefly and then create a detailed accident…

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Blind Spot Accidents: What You Need to Know

Imagine you’re driving when a nearby vehicle changes lanes and slams into your car. The accident is traumatic, and you have no idea who is at fault. It’s possible that the reason you don’t know what happened is because you were involved in a blindspot. You’ll need to work out what happened to find out…

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